Friday, May 15, 2020

Tiananmen Square Incident(1989) - compare to 1984.

The monstrous event that happened on June 4th, 1989 will be forever remembered as one of the most tragic days in human history. However, many decades ago, this event was foreseen and was foretold in the book, 1984, by George Orwell. Orwell saw the rise of totalitarianism, and he was deeply disturbed by what he saw. He believes totalitarianism will be the method that communist party adopts to fight freedom. The book foreshadows many of the events that will happen in a communist society. In many ways, the incident of Tiananmen Square in 1989 echoes 1984, which is a warning that totalitarian government is a power abuser, propaganda manipulator, and democracy suppressor. Power AbusivenessThe party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We†¦show more content†¦(Liu 16) Their truth campaign insists that only 300 people, many of whom were troops and police, were killed instead of students. However, the USA estimates somewhere between 700-2600. Chinese controlled television was selecting many edited video of angry protesters holding torches, weapons and guns beating on hapless soldiers, to describe to public that soldiers were the victims. These aired shows along with massive fear campaign and life-sized posters all make the government and the soldiers seemed like the victim of revolutionary thugsAs Oceania does, Chinese authority used propaganda to isolate all truth in the report by eliminating foreigners and their journalist. In Oceania, the majority of the people never saw much of the outsiders. The only outsiders they see are the prisoner of wars or those that was hanged publicly. Chinese government saw foreign correspondents as a treat by e xposing the truth. Foreign correspondents cameras were smashed and seized. They received threats from Chinese authority that the army was been given the right to shoot on sight anyone carrying a camera. (Liu 16) They were detained on Tiananmen Square for 20 hours, and their telephone lines were cut off. The government took over China Central Television, CCTV, Chinas largest national TV network, during the times of protest. No CCTV camera crew or stuff was allowed to cover the stories andShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pages509 International Caveats 511 Team Membership 512 Advantageous Roles 512 Providing Feedback 516 International Caveats 517 SKILL ANALYSIS 519 Cases Involving Building Effective Teams 519 The Tallahassee Democrat’s ELITE Team 519 The Cash Register Incident 521 SKILL PRACTICE 523 Exercises in Building Effective Teams 523 Team Diagnosis and Team Development Exercise 523 Winning the War on Talent 524 Team Performance Exerci se 527 SKILL APPLICATION 529 Activities for Building Effective Teams 529 SuggestedRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagestransformations in where humans lived, how they earned their livings, and their unprecedented ability to move about the globe. Moya and McKeown set the patterns of migration in the twentieth century against those extending back millennia, and they compare in imaginative ways the similarities and differences among diverse flows in different geographical areas and across ethnic communities and social strata. They consider not only the nature, volume, and direction of migrant movements motivated primarilyRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 Pagesgrowth in PCs and new markets, few analysts doubt that Dell can generate the 15 percent annual growth needed to reach the mark. Questions 1. What are the main principles behind Michael Dell’s approach to managing? 2. List these principles then compare them to those developed by Henry Fayol. In what ways are they similar or different? Source: Andrew Park and Peter Burrows, â€Å"What You Don’t Know About Dell.† Reprinted from the November 3, 2003, issue of BusinessWeek Online by special permissionRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words   |  269 Pagesbringing current membership to 27 countries. Not only have most trade barriers between the members been removed, but a subset of European countries have adopted a unified currency called the euro. As a result, it is now possible for customers to compare prices between most countries and for business firms to lower their costs by conducting business in one, uniform currency. With access to the entire pan-European market, large MNCs can now achieve the operational scale and scope necessary to reduce

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