Saturday, December 28, 2019

Education Debt The Problem and Solutions Essay - 1125 Words

With the ever-increasing tuition and ever-tighten federal student aid, the number of students relying on student loan to fund a college education hits a historical peak. According to a survey conducted by an independent and nonprofit organization, two-thirds of college seniors graduated with loans in 2010, and each of them carried an average of $25,250 in debt. (Reed et. al., par. 2). My research question will focus on the profound effect of education debt on American college graduates’ lives, and my thesis statement will concentrate on the view that the education policymakers should improve financial aid programs and minimize the risks and adverse consequences of student loan borrowing. Through my research I hope to†¦show more content†¦Nowadays education debt has become a national issue that generates heated debate. Through the Internet and online database I find the most recent report and statistics on education debt. Most of the online sources I have searched, inc luding CQ Researcher, Opposing Viewpionts, government and nonprofit organizations, acknowledge that students are increasingly shouldering high levels of debt to finance college education. The difference in the sources is the use of different rhetorical appeals. Most of the authors use a combination of logos and ethos, and some use a combination of logos and pathos. It seems that they all share the same goal that they want to improve the student loan program and make college education affordable. I also found some web sources that have a divergent view. For example, â€Å"Debt Burden: Repaying Student Debt†, a report written by American Council on Education, the only higher education organization that represents presidents and chancellors of all types of U.S. accredited, degree-granting institutions. This report describes the borrowing and repayment experiences of 1992/93 and 1999/2000 bachelor’s degree recipients one year after graduation. The author believed that s tudent loan debt did not have discernible impact on graduate one year later. To support his/her argument, the author collects data from U.S. Department of Education and National Center for Education Statistics. Although this source is reliable andShow MoreRelatedHigh Education Vs. Out Of State Tuition1564 Words   |  7 PagesBill Bennett said of higher education, â€Å" The higher amount you put into high education, at the federal level particularly, the more the price of high education rises. It’s the dog that never catches its tail.† Bennett asserts that while the prices of education are rising, yet they are not going to start coming down because of the amount the government is putting in. The average student leaves college with an average of $35,000 of debt. 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