Saturday, December 28, 2019

Education Debt The Problem and Solutions Essay - 1125 Words

With the ever-increasing tuition and ever-tighten federal student aid, the number of students relying on student loan to fund a college education hits a historical peak. According to a survey conducted by an independent and nonprofit organization, two-thirds of college seniors graduated with loans in 2010, and each of them carried an average of $25,250 in debt. (Reed et. al., par. 2). My research question will focus on the profound effect of education debt on American college graduates’ lives, and my thesis statement will concentrate on the view that the education policymakers should improve financial aid programs and minimize the risks and adverse consequences of student loan borrowing. Through my research I hope to†¦show more content†¦Nowadays education debt has become a national issue that generates heated debate. Through the Internet and online database I find the most recent report and statistics on education debt. Most of the online sources I have searched, inc luding CQ Researcher, Opposing Viewpionts, government and nonprofit organizations, acknowledge that students are increasingly shouldering high levels of debt to finance college education. The difference in the sources is the use of different rhetorical appeals. Most of the authors use a combination of logos and ethos, and some use a combination of logos and pathos. It seems that they all share the same goal that they want to improve the student loan program and make college education affordable. I also found some web sources that have a divergent view. For example, â€Å"Debt Burden: Repaying Student Debt†, a report written by American Council on Education, the only higher education organization that represents presidents and chancellors of all types of U.S. accredited, degree-granting institutions. This report describes the borrowing and repayment experiences of 1992/93 and 1999/2000 bachelor’s degree recipients one year after graduation. The author believed that s tudent loan debt did not have discernible impact on graduate one year later. To support his/her argument, the author collects data from U.S. Department of Education and National Center for Education Statistics. Although this source is reliable andShow MoreRelatedHigh Education Vs. Out Of State Tuition1564 Words   |  7 PagesBill Bennett said of higher education, â€Å" The higher amount you put into high education, at the federal level particularly, the more the price of high education rises. It’s the dog that never catches its tail.† Bennett asserts that while the prices of education are rising, yet they are not going to start coming down because of the amount the government is putting in. The average student leaves college with an average of $35,000 of debt. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The Law Of Patient Confidentiality - 1412 Words

Finding out that people blame doctors for when their patient commits a crime puts my mind in utter disbelief. The law of patient confidentiality clearly states that the physician must keep all information a patient informs them in confidence, unless it acquires serious medical care, but if the doctor breaches the confidentiality by informing a third party without the patient’s consent, he or she could be sued. Doctor-patient confidentiality is based on the belief that a person should not be worried about seeking medical treatment in alarm that his or her problem will be shown to others. The objective of the relationship between the patient and their doctor is to make patients feel as comfortable as possible by providing them with any information they way need about their symptoms. This helps the doctor to make a correct diagnosis, and overall helping the patient feel comfortable enough to trust their doctor so that they may receive the best care. Once a physician takes a pat ient on, they must keep all the patient says and does in confidence; moreover, he cannot inform any third party of the patients wellbeing, but there are some exceptions like if the patient intends on causing harm to oneself or other or if it is an issue in a lawsuit. The court system claims A patient must have full confidence that their doctor will be able to keep all his or her medical issues private which helps the patient trust their physician. The professional duty of confidentiality not only coversShow MoreRelatedThe Laws That Govern Privacy And Confidentiality Of Patients Essay1573 Words   |  7 PagesThe laws that govern privacy and confidentiality of patients are made both at the federal and at the state level. The most significant among these laws governing patient privacy and confidentiality is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or the privacy act. The HIPAA has been the most important law that safeguards the medical documents as well its aut horized disclosure. The HIPAA Act was privacy act enacted in 1996 to protect the individuals’ health information againstRead MoreWhat Is the Morality Behind Patient Confidentiality?1530 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is The Morality behind Patient Confidentiality? Name: Course: Tutor: Date: What is The Morality behind Patient Confidentiality? Introduction Patient confidentiality is one of the pillars of modern medical profession. It implies that the medical practitioner is under the obligation to keep his patient’s medical profile confidential. The main reason is to help the patient maintain his privacy. However, there have been numerous casesRead MoreA Brief Note On Healthcare And Health Care1016 Words   |  5 PagesEthics in Healthcare Confidentiality is one major responsibility that health care givers are required to uphold in their healthcare service. 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That duty means providers will share information only on a need-to-know basisRead MoreWhat Is The Rule Of Confidentiality, And How Does It Differ From Respecting Someone s Privacy?1448 Words   |  6 Pages What is the rule of confidentiality, and how does it differ from respecting someone’s privacy? The question that appears is Lucy is 15-year-old and she at the doctor’s office and a pregnancy test is being performed on Lucy. Lucy mom is waiting on her. Lucy is pregnant. How I will deal with this problem. I will have to my sure I understand the rule of confidentiality, and how does it differ from respecting someone’s privacy. It is most helpful to examine this question from three perspectives:Read MoreConfidentiality And The Common Law Of Confidentiality846 Words   |  4 Pagesto discuss confidentiality. The common law of confidentiality says that people have a right to expect that information given to a healthcare professional is only used for the reason it was given but also that it will not be disclosed without permission (The nursing times, no date). The important concept is of trust, without which no relationship can develop or be sustained between a patient and a nursing practitioner. Baillie and Black (2015. p27) stated that in practice, confidentiality is a legalRead MoreApplying Ethical Frameworks in Parctice1027 Words   |  5 Pagesencounters with different types of patients, several types of families and varied situations. Every patient has certain rights and a nurse has to respect them in both legal and ethical aspects. Confidentiality is important to create confidence between nurses and patients. Without promising privacy to their matters, patients will be hesitant to share important information to health care professionals which may be necessary for their care. Respecting patient’s confidentiality is a legal requirement and also

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Cyber Crime free essay sample

Chapter I Introduction When did this new and insidious variety of crime actually come into being? One may say that the concept of the computer came with the invention of the first abacus, hence it can be said that â€Å"cybercrime†. It has been around ever since people used calculating machines for wrong purposes. However, cybercrime has shown itself as a serious threat to society for less than a decade. Before we plunge into the world of cybercrime, it is necessary to have some basic understanding of how the cyber world evolved. In 1981 Ian Murphy, aka â€Å"Captain Zap†, became first felon convicted of a computer crime. Murphy broke into ATT’s computers and changed the billing clock so that people receive discounted rates during normal business hours, Ian Murphy was greeted with 1,000 hours of community service and 21/2 years probation. Cybercrime refers to any crime that involves a  computer  and a  network, where the computers may or may not have played an instrumental part in the commission of a  crime. In its most simple form, cyber-crime can be defined as any illegal activity that uses a computer as its primary means of function. The U.S. Department of Justice broadens this definition to include any illegal activity that uses a computer for the storage of evidence. The term cyber-crime can refer to offenses including criminal activity against data, infringement of content and copyright, fraud, unauthorized access, child pornography and cyber-stalking. The United Nations Manual on the Prevention and Control of Computer Related Crime includes fraud, forgery and unauthorized access in its definition of cyber-crime. Cyber-crime in effect covers a wide range of attacks on individuals and organizations alike. These crimes may include anything from an individuals emotional or financial state to a nations security. There are two main categories that define the make up of cyber-crimes. Firstly those that target computer networks or devices such as viruses, malware, or denial of service attacks. The second category relate to crimes that are facilitated by computer networks or devices like cyber-stalking, fraud, identity-theft, extortion, phishing (spam) and theft of classified information. Defining cybercrime: New technologies create new criminal opportunities but few new types of crime. What distinguishes cybercrime from traditional criminal activity? Obviously, one difference is the use of the digital computer, but technology alone is insufficient for any distinction that might exist between different realms of criminal activity. Criminals do not need a computer to commit fraud, traffic in child pornography and intellectual property, steal an identity, or violate someone’s privacy. All those activities existed before the â€Å"cyber† prefix became ubiquitous. Cybercrime, especially involving the Internet, represents an extension of existing criminal behaviour alongside some novel illegal activities. Most cybercrime is an attack on information about individuals, corporations, or governments. Although the attacks do not take place on a physical body, they do take place on the personal or corporate virtual body, which is the set of informational attributes that define people and institutions on the Internet. Types of cybercrime: Cybercrime ranges across a spectrum of activities. At one end are crimes that involve fundamental breaches of personal or corporate privacy, such as assaults on the integrity of information held in digital depositories and the use of illegally obtained digital information to blackmail a firm or individual. Also at this end of the spectrum is the growing crime of identity theft. These are specific crimes with specific victims, but the criminal hides in the relative anonymity provided by the Internet. Another part of this type of crime involves individuals within corporations or government bureaucracies deliberately altering data for either profit or political objectives. At the other end of the spectrum are those crimes that involve attempts to disrupt the actual workings of the Internet. These range from spam, hacking, and denial of service attacks against specific sites to acts of cyber terrorism—that is, the use of the Internet to cause public disturbances and even death. Cyber terrorism focuses upon the use of the Internet by nonstate actors to affect a nation’s economic and technological infrastructure. Since the September 11 attacks of 2001, public awareness of the threat of cyber terrorism has grown dramatically. ATM fraud: Computers also make more mundane types of fraud possible. Take the automated teller machine (ATM) through which many people now get cash. In order to access an account, a user supplies a card and personal identification number (PIN). Criminals have developed means to intercept both the data on the card’s magnetic strip as well as the user’s PIN. In turn, the information is used to create fake cards that are then used to withdraw funds from the unsuspecting individual’s account. For example, in 2002 the New York Times reported that more than 21,000 American bank accounts had been skimmed by a single group engaged in acquiring ATM information illegally. A particularly effective form of fraud has involved the use of ATMs in shopping centres and convenience stores. These machines are free-standing and not physically part of a bank. Criminals can easily set up a machine that looks like a legitimate machine; instead of dispensing money, however, the machine gathers information on users and only tells them that the machine is out of order after they have typed in their PINs. Given that ATMs are the preferred method for dispensing currency all over the world, ATM fraud has become an international problem. Hacking: While breaching privacy to detect cybercrime works well when the crimes involve the theft and misuse of information, ranging from credit card numbers and personal data to file sharing of various commodities—music, video, or child pornography—what of crimes that attempt to wreak havoc on the very workings of the machines that make up the network? The story of hacking actually goes back to the 1950s, when a group of phreaks (short for â€Å"phone freaks†) began to hijack portions of the world’s telephone networks, making unauthorized long-distance calls and setting up special â€Å"party lines† for fellow phreaks. With the proliferation of computer bulletin board systems (BBSs) in the late 1970s, the informal phreaking culture began to coalesce into quasi-organized groups of individuals who graduated from the telephone network to â€Å"hacking† corporate and government computer network systems. Spam: E-mail has spawned one of the most significant forms of cybercrime—spam, or unsolicited advertisements for products and services, which experts estimate to comprise roughly 50 percent of the e-mail circulating on the Internet. Spam is a crime against all users of the Internet since it wastes both the storage and network capacities of ISPs, as well as often simply being offensive. Yet, despite various attempts to legislate it out of existence, it remains unclear how spam can be eliminated without violating the freedom of speech in a liberal democratic polity. Unlike junk mail, which has a postage cost associated with it, spam is nearly free for perpetrators—it typically costs the same to send 10 messages as it does to send 10 million. Trichy gets cyber crime cell at police commissioners office: TRICHY: To bring down cyber crimes in Trichy, the city police commissioner, Shailesh Kumar Yadav, inaugurated a cyber crime cell at the commissioners office on Friday. Following the inauguration, the cyber crime cell received three complaints so far. The complaints included online lottery, pornographic messages through SMS to a woman and a life threatening message to another. The cell will function at the ground floor at the office of the commissioner of police. A team of policemen comprising an inspector, a sub-inspector and four from other ranks will initially look after complaints. Further, the number will go up according to the increase in rate of crime. At present, an SI will take care of things until an inspector is appointed. Cyber crime cells were already set up in Chennai and Coimbatore and have been functional so far. Later, Madurai and Tirunelveli will get cyber crime cells. The government has sanctioned Rs 16. 5 lakh to set up a cyber lab in Trichy. As of now, the Trichy police have come across a number of cyber crime cases that mainly include harassment of women through SMS, ATM fraud, online-lottery and online-multi level marketing (MLM) scams. Prior to setting up the cell in Trichy, such cases were being dealt with by the respective police stations. As dealing with cyber crime cases needed a long time and expertise, policemen were struggling with breakthroughs. There was a government order to set up a cyber crime cell in Trichy already. But it was not implemented. So, I took the initiative and inaugurated the cell in  the city, said Yadav. Conclusion: It can be seen that the threat of computer crime is not as big as the authority claim. This means that the method s that they introducing to combat it represents an unwarranted attack on human rights and is not proportionate to the threat posed by cyber-criminals. Part of the problem is that there are no reliable statistics on the problem; this means that it is hard to justify the increased powers that the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act has given to the authorities. These powers will also be ineffective in dealing with the problem of computer. The international treaties being drawn up to deal with it are so vague that they are bound to be ineffective in dealing with the problem. It will also mean the civil liberties will be unjustly affected by the terms of the treaties since they could, conceivably, imply that everybody who owns a computer fitted with a modem could be suspected of being a hacker. The attempts to outlaw the possession of hacking software could harm people who trying to make the internet more secure as they will not be able to test there systems; therefore the legislation could do more harm than good.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Computer Hacking Problems and Solutions free essay sample

Imagine yourself going into the bank to get money out of your account for your rent or other important bill, and the account is dry and you just got paid the day before.. or going to pay a bill with your credit card and card after card is maxed out then you find out that someone has stolen all your information and used all of your resources to live and pay bills. If this happened to me my heart would be beating so fast in panic id probably pass out considering I have so many kids to provide for. Well it happens everyday to people everywhere all over the world. One of the major problems causing this is called hacking which is defined by the company who created the website the free dictonary dot com, Houghton mifflin company, as to gain access to a computer file or network illegally or without authorization. We will write a custom essay sample on Computer Hacking Problems and Solutions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is a big problem not just here but in other countries as well. One incident id like to mention is the playstation store being hacked into Now I would like to move on to some stastistics. According to the internet crime complaint center also know as the IC3 a partnership with the federal beauro of investigation, the national white collar crime center and the bearo of justice assistance. The percentage of people hacked within the last year has increased 22 from last year. next I am going to go over some solutions to a couple possible goals of the hacker that I have researched on ic3 to help prevent or reduce the chance of the hacker meeting those goals. The first one is called internet extortion to help prevent or reduce the chance of being hacked for this security needs to be doubled up so the intruder or hacker needs to basically get thru many obsticles to achieve the goal, also ensure security is installed at every possible entry point of your system, identify wherher your internet provider is utilyzing any ports that have been known to represent insecurities, ensure you are utilyzing the most up to date patch or fixes for your software. The next common hacking reason is called identity theft some of the steps recorded on ic3 needed to help prevent or reduce the chance of being hacked for this include ensuring websites are secure prior to submitting your credit card number, do your homework to ensure the business or website is legitimate. Never throw awayt credit card or bank statements unshredded, be aware of missed bills which could indicate your account has been taken over and lastley be cautious of scams requiring you to provide your personal information. Let me end by saying I like most of us treasure my privacy and my money. But the fact is that hacking can happen to all of us everywhere around the world who uses the internet or computer, but there are steps that can be taken to prevent or reduce your chance of being hacked. If you would like more information on internet crime prevention I reccoment going to the website ic3. com thank you.