Monday, February 24, 2020

Creating a New Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Creating a New Society - Essay Example The cosmic architecture of the society should be based on some form of numerology since it seems that has interested philosophers such as the Pythagoreans and others who considered numbers to be important. For example, seven heavens, seven skies, seven important stars (brightest ones to represent seven important prophets) and other astronomical ideas which connect with the number seven can be used as the basis of the cosmic architecture. Of course, the number can even be five or eleven but it should be a prime number since that would give the philosophers of the realm plenty to think about and keep them busy for eons to come. The main Gods and Goddesses will not exist in this society since the society would be monotheistic. There is a very good reason for this and it is because a monotheistic society could be less likely to go to war based on religion if everyone believes in the same god. That god will only have one name and there will only be one holy city in that world while there could be other important monuments i.e. burial places of ancient prophets, memorials for great philosophers etc. However, the idea of a single god has to be a paramount concern since it is likely that different gods could lead to their followers trying to convert one another and thus start warring with each other. That god will not be like the god of the Old Testament which comes across as being angry, vengeful, or even jealous. In fact, that god will be a kind and merciful god who provides for the people with things such as rain which grow crops, fruits that grow on trees and animal that can be eaten when necessary. The god is not strictly vegetarian but s/he has ordered not to harm animals until there is no option except to eat meat. Further, the god likes things such as charity, caring for others, creating peace, development of knowledge and considers all of these to be positive things. On the other hand, being miserly, selfishness, offensive war, suppression

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words - 1

Strategic management - Essay Example It does use all its operational activities in a very effective manner. The biggest positive advantage that the company has is that the way in which the company has understood the requirements of the customers in different locations. The way they have been able to achieve the customers satisfaction is an incredible achievement for the company. Tesco is passionate and also successful in building and developing the skills and talent among the employees from their own resources itself. The organizational culture followed in the company has allowed each employee to work in a very efficient manner and also as a single team. All the employees do work towards a common goal and objective. The company has also got a huge competitive advantage in the way it adapts itself to the changing market environment and thus the business process is very flexible in Tesco. The huge capital that the company has in its balance does provide Tesco with lot of stability and also take decisions which have lots o f risks involved but with their success the company gets lots of benefits. This model of resource-based view does puts lots of focus on the way the internal capabilities of the organization is been utilised by the company for achieving its goals and for getting competitive advantage in the global competitive market. The internal capabilities of the company shows the way the company can make its strategies that can provide the company with lot of competitive advantage over the competitors. These internal capabilities of the organization do help the company to create value chain for the stakeholders and also for the customers. In Tesco the internal resources are the employees, equipments, cash flow and other resources. The company does make sure that all the internal resources of the company are been utilised in the best possible way and in most efficiently and